decorate的词根词缀(Decorating Your Vocabulary A Look at the Root and Suffixes of Decorate)

Decorating Your Vocabulary: A Look at the Root and Suffixes of \"Decorate\" Decorating your home and personal space can be a fun and creative way to express yourself, but did you know that you can also decorate your vocabulary? The word \"decorate\" comes from the Latin word \"decorare,\" meaning to adorn or embellish. In this article, we will explore the various root and suffixes that make up the word \"decorate\" and how they can be used to enrich your vocabulary. Root: \"Decor\" The root of the word \"decorate\" is \"decor,\" which means fitting or suiting, and is often associated with beauty and elegance. This root can be found in many other words, such as \"decorum,\" which refers to proper behavior and etiquette, and \"decorous,\" which describes behavior that is appropriate and dignified. By incorporating this root into your vocabulary, you can add a touch of sophistication and refinement to your speech and writing. For example, instead of saying something is \"nice,\" you could use the word \"decorous\" to imply that it is not only pleasing to the eye but also fitting for the occasion. Suffix: \"-ate\" The suffix \"-ate\" is used to form verbs, and in the case of \"decorate,\" it means to make something more attractive by adding ornamentation. This suffix can be found in many other words, such as \"irritate,\" \"regulate,\" and \"cultivate.\" By understanding this suffix, you can broaden your vocabulary by creating new words. For example, you could use the word \"illumi-decorate\" to describe the act of adding decorative lighting to a room, or \"jazz-decorate\" to describe the process of adding musical elements to a spoken word performance. Prefix: \"Re-\" The prefix \"re-\" means to do something again, or to return to a previous state. When added to \"decorate,\" this prefix creates the word \"redecorate,\" which means to change the appearance of a room or space by adding new decorations or furnishings. By using this prefix, you can create new words that imply repetition or return to a previous state. For example, you could use the word \"rejuven-decorate\" to describe the act of restoring old furniture and making it look new again, or \"re-embrace-decorate\" to describe a renewed appreciation for a style of decoration that had previously fallen out of favor. In conclusion, the word \"decorate\" is more than just a verb used to describe the act of adding ornamental elements to a space. By exploring its root and suffixes, you can enrich your vocabulary and create new words that express more complex and nuanced ideas. So go ahead and decorate your vocabulary today!

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