utterance和sentence的区别(Utterance vs Sentence Understanding the Difference)

Utterance vs. Sentence: Understanding the Difference

What is an Utterance?

An utterance is a unit of speech consisting of one or more words. It refers to any spoken or written expression that conveys a complete thought or idea. In linguistics, an utterance is used to describe the smallest possible unit of speech in a given language. In other words, an utterance is a complete expression of meaning.

Utterances can take many different forms. They can be simple sentences, compound sentences, or complex sentences. They can also be questions, exclamations, commands, or statements. The key characteristic of an utterance is that it conveys a complete thought or idea.

What is a Sentence?

A sentence is a grammatical unit that consists of one or more words and expresses a complete thought. In English, sentences typically include a subject, a verb, and an object. The subject is the entity that performs the action, the verb is the action itself, and the object is the entity that receives the action.

Sentences can be classified into different types based on their structure and function. These include simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. Sentences can also be declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

The Difference between Utterance and Sentence:

The main difference between an utterance and a sentence is that an utterance is a complete expression of meaning, while a sentence is a grammatical unit that expresses a complete thought. While every sentence is an utterance, not every utterance is a sentence.

For example, a simple statement like \"I'm hungry\" is both an utterance and a sentence. It is a complete expression of meaning and it conforms to the grammatical structure of a sentence. However, an expression like \"Huh?\" or \"Wow!\" is an utterance, but it is not a sentence because it does not express a complete thought or conform to the grammatical structure of a sentence.

In conclusion, an utterance refers to any spoken or written expression that conveys a complete thought or idea, while a sentence is a grammatical unit that expresses a complete thought. While they share some similarities, they are not interchangeable terms and have distinct meanings in linguistic analysis.

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