英雄联盟铁男出装2022(Transform Your Game with the Best Iron Man Build for League of Legends in 2022

Transform Your Game with the Best Iron Man Build for League of Legends in 2022

Iron Man, also known as Mordekaiser, is an exceptional solo top champion in League of Legends. With the new season underway, it's time to get the best out of his kit with the right build. Mordekaiser is a juggernaut with tremendous dueling potential, crowd control, and sustained damage. Below is the best build for Mordekaiser in 2022 that will help you dominate your enemies on the Rift.


The key to Mordekaiser's build is to find a balance between damage and durability. The first item to get is the Riftmaker, which is an excellent choice for Mordekaiser because it gives him a magic penetration mythic passive, which makes him deal more damage to enemy champions. It also provides a ton of sustain, allowing you to survive in team fights for an extended period. The next item to get is the Nashor's Tooth, which meshes incredibly well with Riftmaker. Nashor's Tooth provides attack speed to Mordekaiser, allowing him to dish out more damage in engagements. It also gives him some Ability Power making him a threat with his spells.

The third item to get is the Demonic Embrace. Demonic Embrace provides a significant amount of magic resist, which will make Mordekaiser much tougher to kill. It also gives him added burn damage, which helps him deal a lot of damage over time. The fourth item is the Zhonya's Hourglass, which is a fantastic team fighting tool that allows Mordekaiser to engage and then stasis to avoid enemy damage. It also provides him with additional armor and Ability Power, making him a good hybrid champion. The fifth item to get is the Cosmic Drive, which gives Mordekaiser some additional health, Ability Haste, and Ability Power, making him a genuine threat in team fights.


For Mordekaiser, the most viable rune choice is the Conqueror, which makes him deal additional damage and heal, based on his damage dealt. Another viable rune choice is Grasp of the Undying, which provides additional sustain for Mordekaiser and helps him duels with other champions in lane. The best secondary rune path is the Resolve tree, specifically with the Second Wind and Revitalize runes. This provides Mordekaiser with additional tankiness and makes him even more challenging to kill.


When playing Mordekaiser, the key is to farm as much as possible in the laning phase, as it is generally known that Morde has the upper hand in drawn-out duels. It's always best to be aggressive in trading and look for opportunities to land your E-ability, as it allows you to pull your enemy toward you and then follow up with a Q and W ability. When it comes to team fights, always try to engage by targeting the enemy's carry and use your ultimate ability to create a 1v1 situation. This will allow you to deal with their carries without worrying about other champions interfering in the engagement. Lastly, always be cautious when engaging in team fights, making sure to use Zhonya's Hourglass to avoid taking too much damage.

Mordekaiser is an incredibly fun champion to play, and with the right build, he can carry games to victory. With the above items, runes, and playstyle tips, you'll be able to dominate your opponents with ease. Just remember, farming is crucial, and always try to be aggressive in trading as possible. With a little practice, you'll be able to transform your game and become a Mordekaiser master in no time.

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