mikado spiel说明书(The Art of Playing Mikado A Guide to the Classic Game)

The Art of Playing Mikado: A Guide to the Classic Game


Mikado is a classic game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages across the world for centuries. It originated in Asia and has since spread to different parts of the world. The game is known by several names, including ‘pick-up sticks’ or ‘jackstraws’. The objective of the game is to pick up sticks or straws without disturbing the other sticks in the pile. This guide will teach you how to play Mikado and provide tips to help you improve your gameplay.


To play Mikado, you will need a set of sticks or straws. The traditional Mikado set consists of 41 sticks, but modern sets may have up to 60 sticks. The sticks are usually made of wood or plastic and are of different colors to make it easier to identify them. The sticks are placed in a pile and held vertically in one hand, with the top of the pile resting on a flat surface. The players should take turns picking up sticks, one at a time, without moving any other sticks in the pile. If a player moves any other sticks, their turn is over, and they must forfeit any points they may have earned. The players can earn points depending on the color of the stick they pick up. For example, if a player picks up a blue stick, they will earn five points, while a red stick is worth 10 points. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.


The key to winning at Mikado is to have a strategy. Below are some tips to help you improve your gameplay: 1. Start with the easy sticks: It is best to start by picking up the easier sticks first, such as the green or yellow sticks, before moving on to the more difficult ones. 2. Avoid moving other sticks: As mentioned earlier, if you move any other sticks in the pile, you forfeit your turn. Therefore, it is essential to be careful and steady when picking up sticks. 3. Think ahead: Try to plan your moves ahead of time. Look at the sticks in the pile and decide which ones you will pick up before you make your move. 4. Be patient: Mikado requires patience and a steady hand. Take your time and don't rush your moves.


Mikado is a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is an excellent way to improve your hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking skills. This guide has provided you with the basics of Mikado gameplay and strategies to help you improve your performance. So, gather your friends and family, grab a set of sticks, and get ready to enjoy the art of playing Mikado.

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