Option is what you have limited available to choose from , which is one of the choices which can be made.
Options are the provided possibilities which something is chosen from.
Option 是选项的意思。选项意味着 可选择的东西是有限的 ,只能在给定的选项中选择一个。当我们决定选择任何一个option时,这个option就是choice。

Choice is the noun form of the verb choose. It is defined as an act (decision) of choosing from multiple possibilities. It refers to the action of decision making.
Choice 是choose的名词形式。强调的是在 众多可能性中做出的决定 。同一个问题,不同的人可能有不同的choice,但都是遵循自己的内心思考给出的答案。

You are given a choice now. You have three options - A, B, or C.
Please choose one (choice) from the following options, and then fill it in the table.
You have the option of buying a car or a pick-up. What you pick is your choice.
That waiter recommended me many new food products, but I choose to refuse them. Because my choice depends on my tastes.
He has the option to be an good man or a bad man, and finally, he chooses to become the latter.
He made a choice, while he had two options to choose from.